
You know I'm bored...

[ NOW ]
Current mood: excited about the beach
Current music: A/C flowing
Current hair: sleep-ready
Current clothes: robe
Current annoyance: myself for not going to sleep
Current smell: Jon (In a good way!)
Current thing I should be doing: Sleeping, studying, packing for the beach
Current desktop picture: a picture of my and Jon's feet in the hammock at the Frio
Current favorite band: no one in particular
Current book: Naked by David Sedaris
Current cd in stereo: a country mix Vicki made me
Current crush: Well, Jon. Duh. and Twix, of course.
Current favorite celeb: Amy Adams

[ DO YOU.. ]
Smoke?: only very rarely and whilst quite intoxicated
Do drugs?: NO
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: Nope
Remember your first love?: Yup.
Still love him/her?: No. I wish him well but that is all.
Read the newspaper?: Not very often.
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: Yup and they are totally cool!
Believe in miracles?: Yes
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: Absolutely.
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: Unless someone is doing something to offend or hurt me or my friends, I am usually pretty cool with people. Or when driving... (see last post!)
Consider love a mistake?: Not at all. Love is a blessing.
Like the taste of alcohol?: Mostly. But I do think that warm beer tastes like what I imagine piss tastes like.
Have a favorite candy?: I've been hankering for a Twix a lot lately
Believe in astrology?: I like stars, but I don't believe in the Zodiac sign type stuff.
Believe in magic?: Only between two people.
Believe in God?: I believe in a higher power, for sure!
Have any pets: No. Only a sweet pup that I consider my nephew :-D
Go to or plan to go to college: I'm a grad! Still taking some classes at ACC so that then I can go to grad school!
Have any piercings?: Just the ears.
Have any tattoos?: No.
Hate yourself: No. When things happen that I could hate myself for, I choose to learn from them instead.
Have an obsession?: Always something.
Have a secret crush?: Again, just Jon and Twix

Ever been in love?: Yes
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Nope. There is certainly attraction at first sight. But love has to come from getting to know someone as a person. You can't do that "at first sight"
Do you believe in "the one?": I believe in the right person to spend the rest of your life and love with

Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: I'm almost 24... Of course I have
Have you ever been intoxicated?: Again, I'm 24. Yes.
Have you ever been caught "doing something?": I believe so
Are you a tease?: It' been mentioned before
Shy to make the first move?: It's been so long I don't even remember. Not shy, but I'd rather not.

Bought: Alamo Drafthouse food YUM!
Ate & Drank: Fried Pickles, Fish Tacos, and a Milkshake. (health, I know!)
Read: Lippincot's Nursing Drug Guidelines for pharmacology class
Watched on TV: 30 Rock

beer or cider: if they were the same price and both always available, cider
drinks or shots: depends on my mood, but shots never turn out super in the end.
cats or dogs: Dogs
single or taken: Absolutely 100% taken
pen or pencil: Pen
gloves or mittens: Gloves
food or candy: Food... or candy... I don't know! They both rock!
coke or pepsi: Coke

saw: Jon! I'm with him right now!
talked to on the phone: Anita, the lady who was in charge of my car at the shop today
hugged: Jon!
instant messaged: Margaret
kissed: Jon!

[ WHAT IS... ]
Your bedroom like?: messy
Your favorite thing for breakfast?: Fruit or yogurt
Your favorite restaurant?: Madam Mams
What's on your bedside table?: books and candles, my phone charger, pictures
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: Whatever is in the fridge...
What is your biggest fear?: living life without love
Do you know how to play poker?: my momma didn't raise no fool!
What do you carry with you at all times?: My cell phone and my keys, including my mace!
How do you drive?: like a responsible, non-dummy
What do you miss most about being little?: Being relatively carefree
Are you happy with your given name?: Yes! A perfect match. Also my perfect drunk/avoiding creepy men at bars name is Devon.
What color is your bedroom?: Blue
Have you ever been in a play?: Quite a few
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you?: Sadly, yes. There are many avenues through which they can get help, yet they choose to sit on the side of the road staring uncomfortably through my car window.
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: Yes. I think I am a pretty kind-hearted person with good intentions.

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